Tuesday, June 24, 2008

World Mission Society Church of God - Rebirth 1

World Mission Society Church of God follows teachings of Christ Ahnsahnghong and Mother.

People experience many hardships and trials in their lives. Taking their cross, they walk the path of suffering. This is the life of pilgrims.
How about us who have received God? God has a plan for our life. If we realize this fact, we will understand that our present suffering is a part of God's great plan for our salvation and the process of our rebirth.

Suffering in God's plan

This is what happened in America. There was a fire at a store in Chicago, and the store was completely destroyed by fire. Its owner was a self-made man who had undergone difficulties. So his neighbors and customers commiserated him on his misfortune.
One day, in the ashes stood a small notice board saying, "I will begin again tomorrow. There is no reason I give way to despair."
The owner of the destroyed store opened a street stall beside the board and placed some of his articles on sale. All his business went up in smoke overnight, but he didn't get frustrated. People were moved by his unyielding spirit. As soon as he displayed articles on the stall, they were sold out. Before long, he made enough money to build a new building.
How could he start again? A common thing served as a motive. When the building was completely destroyed by fire and all his efforts came to nothing overnight, he was terribly distressed. Then he drove about the town and happened to see a mason laying bricks. Beginning with the first brick, the mason laid red bricks one upon another; after several hours of the day, there rose a high brick wall. Watching this, he realized: ‘I had nothing in the beginning. However, I could set up a big store, because I wholeheartedly laid bricks one after another like the mason. Now, I'll try a new start, with the mind of the bricklayer.' This indomitable spirit enabled him to rise again and succeed in his business.

The building, which had been burnt down, was restored by its owner's fortitude. In our life of faith, whether we can get over difficulties or not depends on who masters our spirits. If we are not ruled by God but by any other spirits, we will be thrown into despair whenever we face difficulties. If arrogance has dominion over our spirits, we should crucify it. If our spirits are mastered by desperation, we should also drive it out from our hearts.
There are many trials and pains in the process of our rebirth in God. Since we have hope, no adversity can deter us. On the contrary, those who get easily frustrated, even though they've gained success, are thrown into despair when a misfortune befalls them. We endure any adversities and hardships, believing that there are God's certain plans for our lives.

1 comment:

Olivia said...

In any situation ....I want to give thanks to God!! Because.. He camt to this earth and walk the painful ways... for our salvation.. I want to follow Him...